**************************** How to train the system? **************************** The script ``train_dssm.py`` builds a DSSM and trains it with the provided dataset. ------------------- How does it work? ------------------- ------------------- Usage ------------------- In a console, you can use the following command: >>> python train_dssm.py -e 100 -n1 300 -n2 300 -no 128 -r 0.1 -i "../data/dataset-pasi.npz" -o "../data/output-pasi" This will build a DSSM with 300 units in the first and in the second layers, and 128 units in the output layer. The training will be done over 100 epochs, with a learning rate of 0.1. The input dataset has been produced by the script ``generate_dataset.py``. ------------------- API ------------------- .. automodule:: train_dssm :members: